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What is BusinessKids?

BusinessKids is the leading children's entrepreneurship program, in which children learn to undertake through play.

Our activities are intended to introduce them to the wonderful world of business through games and conducted dynamics.

Training future entrepreneurs who are socially responsible, ethical and, above all, who do what they love the most.


Develop the entrepreneurial spirit in children, while they play and have fun. At BusinessKids we teach children that good businesses are more than just a source of wealth, creating in them a true social conscience. That the children obtain financial knowledge, decision making skills and life/career planning.


That children start businesses within their reach so that, when they grow up and can be entrepreneurs, they believe in themselves and in their ability to achieve everything they set their minds to.


BusinessKids is developed through dynamics and games, interactive classes and short sessions of transmission of concepts.


• Entrepreneurial development
• Defining my vocation
• Administration (Management)
• Creativity
• Design
• Computing
• Teamwork
• Learning to sell
• Learning to shop
• Marketing and advertising
• Producing my ideas
• Human resources: how interact with others
• Emotional intelligence development
• Finance and money awareness: How to invest my savings
• Leadership and self-esteem
• Communication
• Public relations
• Global thinking
• The value of serving
• Coaching
• Ethics and values
• Ecology and environmental care

BusinessKids benefits:

• The kids learn to undertake.
• Perseverance and resilience.
• Children develop their self-esteem, self-confidence and work culture.
• They learn to love what they do.
• They value the work of their parents.
• They better understand the value and care of money.
• They stimulate a taste for mathematics, by giving it a real use.
• They encourage values such as service to others, fair treatment of staff, teamwork, ecology and social awareness.
• They develop their leadership skills.
• They are strengthened to face bullying and avoid it.
• Are done personally and professionally.
• They get tools to be independent all their lives.
• They achieve clarity of key knowledge for the moment of knowing how to choose a university degree.
• They realize that crises are opportunities.

Face-to-face or online entrepreneurship expo, through the “” platform, which allows students to sell their product globally.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who implements the program?

Expert consultants in the area.

When does the student begin to develop their product or service?

From the first dynamic, which is when they discover their vocation; The program has activities that teach children concepts that they will apply in their own business. while the consultants accompany the boy to materialize his business in a product or service that will be launched on the market through the Entrepreneurial Fair.

When are the benefits of the program seen in the students?

From the first dynamic, in which the student understands what his vocation is; his way of looking at the world begins to have a transformation; he lives the path of the entrepreneur, incorporating entrepreneurship as a habit of life.

When does the products of the kids start working? How do they materialize it?

During the cycle, both in and out of the sessions.

Is it a finance program?

No; It is a comprehensive methodology. It covers everything you need to develop your entrepreneurial mind, which involves the 5 pillars of BusinessTeens: Personal Strength, Values, Business, Finance and Social Awareness.

It has been proven that isolated programs do not become a habit in children’s lives, while in this way, skills are preserved until adult life.

How is the Expo online?

It is an online exhibition platform, in which each participant will upload their business information and, on the day of the event, they will be able to meet with potential clients; is linked to the platform, from which customers can place orders.

What are the BusinessKids and BusinessTeens International Congresses, how often are they held and where?

These are events in which children and young entrepreneurs meet to learn more about entrepreneurship in the BusinessKids and BusinessTeens way, that is, through age-appropriate games and activities.

They are inclusive, since they are open to students, alumni and children who are not yet familiar with the program, but who are interested in getting closer to the world of children’s entrepreneurship.

They are held once a year at a different venue each time.

At the end of the course, do they receive a certificate?

Yes, signed by the authorities of BusinessKids.

Do you want to know more about our programs?

Write us by WhatsApp and answer all your questions:

Or if you prefer, fill out the following form and we will contact you: